My 38th Bday Part 1 of 3


Step 1: Strangers become clients.

Step 2: Clients become fast friends.

Step 3: Friends meet other friends for the 1st time & become friends.

Step 4: Sit back, take it in and feel grateful when life brings me those moments. 

A lot of you know the story of when I first met Angel & Monica at their dreamy elopement adventure in Dec 2014. Some of you have said that you felt like you were part of that story. I feel the same. Angel, Monica and I have spent the last 7 years traveling all over together. From mountain biking in Montana and snowboarding in Durango to camping in Sedona and dancing in barns on a farm in Pescadero.

In 2015 a stranger from Instagram picked me up from LAX to roadtrip to Palm Springs for Dinah Shore. That stranger was Amanda! We had the time of our lives and would continue acting a fool together when she met (and married) Linds. Backyard fires in the Hollywood Hills, nature walks and infamous supermarket shenanigans would become standard in our friendship.

These friends all got to meet this past weekend for my 38th bday.

Memory making in the front yard will stick with me forever. PS: cheers to new neighbor pals joining in too! 🖤

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